Primary schools
Mbeya region has a total of 704 pre- primary and primary schools with a total number of 326,534 pupils (159,330 boys and 167,204 girls).
Secondary schools
There are 152 secondary schools which have a total of 84,290 students of which 40,177 are boys and 44,113 girls.
High Learning Institutions and Other Colleges
Mbeya is among the regional with big number of high learning Institutions providing various courses from ranging Diploma to master levels. There is a total number of seven high learning institutions which are Mzumbe, Teofil Kisanji, Makumira, MUST, Tumaini, St Augostine and Open University.
Others colleges/institutions offering certificates and diploma courses include Tanzania Institute of accountant, CDTI Uyole, VETA, Mpuguso Teachers College, Tukuyu Teachers College, Mwambani Nursing College, Learner Nursing College, Uyole Agriculture College, Inyala Agriculture College, Igurusi Agriculture College etc.
All these High learning institutions and other Colleges collect students from different regions in Tanzania which most of them are youth.
2 Barabara ya Kamishina, 53180 MBEYA
Anuani ya Posta: P. O.Box 754,Mbeya.
Simu: 025-2504045
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